One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to add more vegetables to my family’s diet (Surefire Ways to Stick to your Fitness Resolutions).
Even though we already do eat quite a bit, I think it certainly can’t hurt to eat more. My thinking is- the more veggies we eat, the less sugary, bad stuff we eat.
If you have a toddler in your home, I’m sure you are aware that this is no easy task. Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters. W may be a perfectly fine eater at the moment, but I know picky times may be up ahead.
Picky eating is most common between ages 2-6 (source: Kids Eat Right).
It can be very frustrating when bread is the only thing your toddler has any interest in consuming.
Oftentimes, the dog is the only one who seems to be munching on the veggies you worked so hard to peel/chop/roast.
So, in order to avoid over-feeding your dog, I came up with a list on How to get your Toddler to eat More Veggies.
How to get your Toddler to eat More Veggies: Part I
1. Treat veggies like any other food
It can be very tempting to shout out and yell for joy when your stubborn toddler finally puts a green bean in his mouth. Don’t do it! Instead, play it cool.
Whatever. You think you’re a big shot because you ate a green bean? So what? Okay, maybe you don’t have to play it that cool.
When you react overjoyed and shocked when your toddler eats a vegetable, you are essentially telling them that veggies are different from other foods. It’s a big deal and hard work to eat vegetables. Your toddler might start to think, huh, they are really making a big deal over these peas. Maybe I shouldn’t eat them after all.
2. Add to favorite foods
W loves eggs. We eat them most mornings. I started throwing a bunch of different veggies (e.g. peppers, spinach, onions, tomatoes, etc.) in with the eggs since I know he loves them so much. At first, especially with spinach, he would pick out the veggie and continue on eating his eggs as happy as can be. Gradually, I noticed him eating more and more of the veggies. Now, he eats them all up (5 Easy Egg Dishes for Kids).
Is there a chance he will go back to avoiding or picking out the vegetables? Definitely. That won’t stop me from continuing to put them in there. If your child is the type that will refuse to even look at their favorite food with visible veggies present, try sneaking them in.
- I add spinach to my meatballs and carrots and celery to my tomato sauce (I use Giada’s easy Tomato Sauce).
- You can try shredding zucchini into rice (Here’s a simple recipe from Divas Can Cook).
- Blend butternut squash into a cheese sauce for mac and cheese (Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese)
- Got a meat-eater? Wrap asparagus in prosciutto (Try this recipe from Chow).
- Add mushrooms and arugula or tomatoes and basil to an ordinary grilled cheese sandwich (Here are some gourmet grilled cheese ideas from Greatist).
3. Make a smoothie
This is an easy way to add vegetables to your toddler’s diet. I found this awesome graphic from Pinterest.
4. A meal is not a meal without a veggie
If you stick to this motto, you are sure to increase the amount of vegetables your toddler eats. I make sure that we have some kind of vegetable during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t be afraid to stray from traditional meal time foods. Do you always have to eat cereal, eggs, bacon and pancakes during breakfast time? No! We will often have green beans as a side to our eggs and cucumbers as a side to our oatmeal. Sometimes we just eat leftovers from dinner.
5. Mix it up
It’s easy to fall into a rut of making the same vegetables over and over again. Maybe there is another vegetable out there that your toddler will like besides the broccoli that you keep forcing on him. Make a special trip to the farmer’s market and pick out a yummy, different vegetable to try together. Lauren from Oh, Honestly and Kristen from Mommy in Sports have a great series on trying new foods with their children called, One New Food.
- Spaghetti squash tastes a lot like pasta (9 Healthy Spaghetti Squash Recipes from Greatist)
- Maybe you could try painting with beets before you eat them (Easy Beet Soup).
- I grab purple sweet potatoes whenever I see them because they are absolutely delicious!! ‘
- I also like buying broccolini instead of broccoli to switch things up a bit.
- Here are some more weird and unusual vegetables you may have not tried from HellaWella.
6. Make the veggie the “star” of the dish
Unless you’re a vegetarian, the protein often steals the show when it comes to planning meals. I used to think of what type of meat or fish I wanted then planned the side dishes. Vegetables were more of an afterthought. Instead, try making a dish with the vegetable in mind first, then add in the protein and starch. I like to try vegetarian or vegan meals at least once a week. Black bean burgers are a big hit in my house.
- Black bean burgers (My family loved this recipe from Healthy Meals in Minutes).
- Zucchini, Pepper and White Bean salad
- Pomegranate Quinoa Salad
- Quesadillas are an easy way to add lots of veggies. Be sure to throw some black beans in there for protein.
- I often make vegetarian pastas. W loved one I made with a pesto sauce made with spinach and kale.
- You can also check out 29 Meatless Meals that are not pasta from Buzzfeed.
Want more tips? Keep reading on How to get your Toddler to eat More Veggies: PART 2!
This is a great post. My twins are 4 years old and I find that having them in the kitchen cooking with me helps so much. They are much more likely to try foods if they have help prepare them. Looking forward to your part 2!
Marci recently posted…Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup
Marci, that is such a good idea. I can’t wait until my son is old enough to help me out in the kitchen. Part 2 will most likely be posted by the end of the week, so stay tuned!
great tips for anyone to eat veggies

Terri recently posted…A year in Review
Your tips for adding veggies to meals are really unique. I’ll try the pasta sauce idea this week for sure.
Theresa recently posted…Red Branch Theater Company’s ‘A Year with Frog and Toad’ Review
I hope you like it, Theresa!
Love these ideas! Thanks for all of the recipes. I think I’m guilty of showing excitement when my almost three-year-old eats a new veggies. I’ll have to stop that. =) Purple sweet potatoes are awesome. My kids love kale/apple juice so that makes me happy.
Melissa Matters recently posted…The Eye of the Storm
Your welcome, Melissa. Thanks for the comment. I have definitely done it too. It’s difficult not to sometimes because we are so wired to think of vegetables not tasting as good as other foods. Kale/apple juice sounds delicious! I’m glad someone else loves purple sweet potatoes too. They are so good!
Great tips! I’m continually learning new sneaky and non-sneaky ways to get the kiddos to eat vegetables, but overall, I’m just getting better at putting them on their plate (even if I know they’ll end up on the floor) and that’s the first step.
Bree Courtney recently posted…Cheesy Chicken Roll-Ups (Your Family’s New Favorite!)
I definitely agree with you, Bree. I think it’s important to always include vegetables. Even if they throw them overboard, at least they are getting exposure and they might possibly pick them up and eat them later on down the road. Our taste buds are changing all the time.
Stumbled across this post at the right time because my son has morphed into picky eater mode. It is definitely a struggle getting him to eat veggies. Thanks for these helpful tips!
K. Elizabeth (YUMMommy) recently posted…My 2015 Goals & Resolutions
Don’t worry, K., I know most kids go through a picky stage at some point. Hopefully these tips will help and it’ll pass soon.
Great tips and PS, NOT just for toddlers! I have to try some for my finicky little ladies.
Gina B recently posted…In Praise of Our (Laid Back) Charter School
Gina, honestly, I know a few adults who probably could use these tips too haha.
ROFL! Would that be my husband??

Gina B recently posted…In Praise of Our (Laid Back) Charter School
haha, you said it!
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Surefire Ways to Stick to your Fitness Resolutions
I did a lot of sneaky chef stuff myself when they were younger. I always encouraged them to at least try everything once! Now they are 8, 10, and 13 and there is really noting that they won’t try!
That’s great, Michelle! I totally agree that it’s important to encourage your children to try everything at least once.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Tricia I love these suggestions. My daughter, who typically will eat anything, suddenly does not want anything to do with vegetables, no matter how hard I try. I think I’m going to give some of these a whirl and see if I can get her back on track.
Jenn recently posted…2015 – Be
Hopefully these will help, Jenn! You can also check out the rest on part 2. Most kids go through a picky stage though!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
I love #4! This is such a great motto. I try to always have a (non potato) veggie at every dinner I make for my family.
Jennifer recently posted…12 in 12 Project
Yes, I usually don’t count potatoes either haha. Although french fries are amazingly good.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
This is a big thing in our house. Jane will eat any fruit you give her, but veggies are trickier. She has become a lot more picky lately. I’m trying to incorporate more veggies and sneak them in when I can, but having a picky veggie eater for a husband doesn’t help. I have noticed that Jane is a lot more likely to eat her veggies, even as a snack on their own, if I am eating them too. So I guess I better eat more veggies!
Hopefully that picky eater husband will read Part 2 and try a few more things! haha Although, I can assure you he has come a long way. It seems like we should also get Jane and W together more. Maybe the threat of W sneaking her food away will help make her eat more haha.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Okay, I am loving this post. Shared it to my social media channels. I have been having SUCH a tough time trying to get my little guy to eat his veggies. It’s been an ongoing struggle. He does love smoothies, though. We’ve only made fruit ones in the past. I may have to try the green smoothies and see what happens! But I know that I am most definitely going to try that butternut squash mac and cheese, he loves macaroni and cheese. Thank you for sharing such an awesome post!

Jennifer Corter recently posted…Resolving Not To Resolve
Thank you so much for sharing, Jennifer! Usually you can blend the veggies into the fruit without compromising the sweet taste. I hope these tips help!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Replace half (or more) of the macaroni in Mac ‘n cheese with cauliflower. It’s even better that way! Break/chop the cauliflower into small pieces and add it to the boiling pasta water, just a few minutes before the pasta done.
That sounds delicious, Ann Marie! I LOVE cauliflower. You really can do so much with it.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
I love sneaking veggies into smoothies. It seems to be the only way I can get my 2 year to eat them, except green onions – she LOVES them! Odd I know! I am going to start trying to give her different dressings with veggies to see if she likes that better. Thanks for the other tips.
That’s too funny! I thought my son was the only crazy kid who likes green onions! I gave one to him to try the one time and he actually liked it. I like green onions myself, but definitely not raw haha.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Great post with great tips, but more importantly, great recipe suggestions. I need more vegetables in my meals so I’m trying these. Thanks.
This is such a great resource! And I agree.. a meal is not a meal without veggies. I struggle with breakfast but usually get some fruit in there. And painting with beets? I gotta learn more about that!
lindsey recently posted…5 Easy Kid Approved Dinners
Breakfast is a little more tricker to get the veggies in because you want some quick and easy. I often just give raw veggies like carrots, cucumbers, peppers as a side if I don’t feel like cooking spinach into eggs or something like that. I know a smoothie in the morning is a great way to add in some veggies!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
A lot of helpful info here! My kids were real picky when they were young. I was so desperate that I begun sneaking in veggies in the form of purees. They’re much better now, but they could use some more variety, so thanks for the different ideas!
Ai recently posted…“Why Does Her Life Seem So Perfect?”
You’re welcome! haha I’m glad your kids grew out of the picky stage.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Awesome tips! I love the idea of painting with the beets before eating them. I can’t wait to read Part 2!!
Lauren recently posted…An Open Letter to the Open Letter
Thank you, Lauren! There’s more information on painting with food in part 2.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
I SO appreciated this post, Tricia. As a Mom and Registered Dietitian, I strive to get my family to eat more veggies daily. It’s a struggle, but worth every minute!!!
Katie @ Mom to Mom Nutrition recently posted…Quick and Healthy Family Meal Ideas
I’m so glad you liked the post, Katie- especially coming from a dietitian! I totally agree with you!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
These are great tips! My daughter is in the picky eater phase and usually she’ll only eat veggies when she sees her baby brother eat them. Go figure! I’ll have to give some of these a try!
Tarynn Playle recently posted…3 Ingredient Banana Bread
That’s too funny! She likes the competition!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Oh my goodness. Your toddler is the CUTEST thing in the world. What a fun post filled with great ideas. Fabulous.
Life with Kaishon recently posted…“How did it get late so soon?” Dr. Seuss
Oh, thank you so much, Kaishon!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
What an amazing post for parents. I have 1 picky eater, even at 6 years old. It seems to be getting worse. Some of these are great for myself even as an adult!
reesa recently posted…mitsubishi outlander sport
Thanks, Reesa. Hopefully these tips will help your family! I know plenty of adults who are still picky eaters!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
This is great – and new ideas! Ws pictures are gorgeous!
Thank you, Rose. I know you guys eat plenty of veggies!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
Great tips! We try and have veggies at each meal too ( I guess except breakfast. We usually just do cereal then.) But it definitely helps to offer veggies throughout the day. Also, planting a garden helps us the most. My kids love to pick veggies out of the garden!
Nicci recently posted…the Newborn Photos You Need to Take: Ideas and Tips
Oh, I SO want to plant a garden this year now that we out of the city. That’s great that your kids help you out.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
My daughter (now 3) has always been a good eater. She loves veggies and will eat just about anything. In fact, it wasn’t until recently that she began refusing things at dinner time. However, with baby #2 on the way, I worry that were completely spoiled and this one will be entirely different. Thanks for the tips and recipes!
Beth @ recently posted…The lasting affects of miscarriage
I am right there with you, Beth. My son is a great eater (at the moment), but I’m sure we are being spoiled as well. In my family, I was a great eater, but all three of my brothers were very picky.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
I need to do more adding veggies to their food. Sneaky, I like it!
Heather D. (@GirlGoneMom) recently posted…Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Meatballs
I am right in the middle of this… She will eat peas… More peas. That’s about it. I do sneak things in some of her food. But this has given me a lot more ideas!! Thanks!
Hey! At least your daughter will eat some kind of vegetable! My son loves peas as well. I often throw them into a bunch of dishes (with other veggies too) because I know he’ll eat the peas and may try some of the other veggies that are in there.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
What a really comprehensive post, you covered everything! Pinning and stumbling! BTW…I throw avocado and spinach into our breakfast smoothies and veggies in eggs and meatballs too. It’s a daily battle but they always eat them!
Kristen recently posted…Top 10 Signs You Are Living with a Threenager
Thanks, Kristen! Yum, a smoothie with avocado sounds delicious!
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…How to Get your Toddler to Eat More Veggies: Part 2
These are some great tips! I am always trying to sneak veggies in, luckily my kids are pretty good with most things!

Lauren recently posted…The Best Items at Trader Joe’s
We loooove smoothies in our house….such an easy and quick breakfast!
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