It can be stressful hosting a party.
It can be particularly stressful hosting a party with a toddler running around.
W doesn’t understand that the moment Mommy starts rubbing butter on the turkey is not the best time to ask for a story to be read.
W also doesn’t understand that he is not helping Daddy when he starts dumping ice out of the cooler onto the floor.
Or, maybe he does understand and he is totally messing with us. Hmm…
Kids may make things a tad bit more difficult, but that doesn’t mean you should stop throwing parties.
We just celebrated “Friendsgiving” this past weekend, and everyone had a great time!
So, I am here to share with you some tips that I picked up while preparing for the party.
Feel free to share some of your own tips on How to Throw a Party with Kids Underfoot in the comment section.
How to Throw a Party with Kids Underfoot
- Make a plan: Lists are my best friend. In the beginning of the week before the party, I like to write down all the supplies I need and where to buy them. It’s also helpful to write down exactly what you are making and what day of the week you are making each dish (thank you, Mom for that advice). For example, Tuesday I bought most of my ingredients, Wednesday I started the broth for the gravy, Thursday I made the sweet potato bake, etc.
- Plan make-ahead meals: Whenever I am hosting a party, I like to prepare as much as I can the day before. I’d rather be enjoying my time with guests as opposed to slaving away in the kitchen. Check out these amazing make-ahead meals from Bon Appetit.
- Ask for help: I was super lucky my mom offered to come watch W one day during the week, so I could get some prep work done. If you are able, definitely get help at least one day the week before the party so you have time to plan on your own.
- Assign jobs: It can be a little overwhelming if you have to do the cooking and cleaning all by yourself. If you write down a list of things you need to get done, you can pass some of those jobs off to your spouse or even your children if they are old enough. Although, I don’t think W is quite ready to make a pumpkin pie on his own.
- Bring out something new: I swear W plays so nicely by himself until I really need him to play by himself. So, I often bring out a new toy or something he hasn’t played with in awhile when I need to get some work done. This Felt Cornucopia kept W busy!
- Try to stay on schedule: It can be tempting to forgo naps and sleep schedules while you are getting ready for a party. Sometimes you have no choice. Though, if you can, try to keep your baby on his normal schedule. The last thing you need at a party is a tired, cranky toddler!
It can be a lot of work throwing a party with kids underfoot, but it is definitely worth it. I love creating fun memories with my family and friends.
How about you? What are some ways you make things easier when you throw a party with kids underfoot?

I make lists too, lots of them. I like to keep a small pad of paper and pen with me at all times so I can jot things down as I think of them.
I think kids just like to be around the action. So I would put Tupperware in a bottom cabinet for that day and let them pull it out and put it back, or even better, when they got a little older is putting canned food and boxes in there. That always made the kids feel part of the action.
Mary Kay- Great idea. I have all my tupperware in the bottom drawer. I do have canned food up high, but I think that’ll be a good idea to put it down low so W can feel like he is helping.
I always let the kids bake with me when they were in preschool. When they were little like W., they got to “cook” with my empty pots and a wooden spoon. Lots of noise, though. Also lists are a great idea but I lose those little pieces of paper. Last night I had to go on an emergency run for milk, bread, reeses peanut butter cups, and something else that I can’t remember, so I had to call Audrey to ask her for the list. Any suggestions about how to keep lists? I still don’t remember what I was supposed to buy.
Aunt Betsy- Yes, that’s a great idea. W has his own basket of bowls and spoons and things to play with while I’m cooking in the kitchen. As for the lists, although I like to write it down most of the time since it helps me remember it, I often just use the note app on my iPhone. I can create it on my computer or my iPad and it gets directly sent to my iPhone. I have even made one and texted it to Good Papa. I’m sure there are a bunch of other list apps out there too.
Love these tips and love it even more that I’m past this stage in my life. lol
Dawn recently posted…11 Questions to Ask Your Prospective Fitness Trainer
Dawn- haha! I’m sure you do! Thanks for commenting and stopping by!
Thanks for tips. I have older kids and they still seem to be under foot. My party should run much smoother now.
Yeah I get lots of help too! But with the food and favors and stuff – it’s too hard to throw a party all by yourself!
Kristen recently posted…Ariel Birthday Party Ideas
Kristen- Definitely! Help is always welcomed here. Thanks for your comment.
Yep, not an easy task – you got to get planning ahead
Thanks for great tips!
Laura recently posted…R is for Reindeer. Shapes.
Lauren- Yes, it makes everything run a little smoother if you plan ahead. Thanks for the comment.
These are great tips!! It’s always hard to get them to do their old thing and not have to ‘help’ the whole time… Great to have a Plan to follow!
Twitchetts- Yes, definitely. Sometimes it’s more work having children “help.” Thanks for your comment.
Great tips! I always try to get a couple things made the day before! And I also like dishes that are just cooking when the guests arrive, so all I have to do is pull them out and put them on the table. We have been organizing Jane’s toys this week and it is amazing how long she can play with forgotten toys. I’m temped to hide half her toys just in case I need some time haha…
Melissa- Thanks! Yes, crockpots are wonderful inventions! That’s a good idea. I have another friend who puts some toys away, so that they are fresh when she brings them out again.
These are fantastic tips!! My kids definitely become a lot needier when I’m planning on company. I never thought to make dishes ahead of time! Ha! Genius!
Tarynn Playle recently posted…A Forbidden Side Dish
Tarynn- Thank you. Yes, it’s like they all of a sudden become very needy at the moment you would like them to be more independent. haha
So hard with the little ones running around! These are great tips. We’re throwing a party for our 2-year-old’s birthday this weekend, and I’m sure he’ll want to “help.” Maybe I can let him open a birthday present early so he has something to distract, I mean entertain, him while Mommy is setting up!

Mommy A to Z recently posted…G is for . . . Generations (or, Meeting Great Grandma)
Mommy A to Z- Great idea! Have fun at the birthday party and happy birthday to your son! Thanks for commenting and stopping by.
I let my daughter help me in the kitchen. Eventually she gets bored and is no longer interested in bothering me while I cook lol.
Johanna’s Mama recently posted…25 Days of Christmas Fun with Advent Activities!
Johanna’s Mama- That’s smart. I can’t wait until my son will be able to help me in the kitchen. At the moment, I think he would just eat everything as we were trying to cook it! haha
These are all great ideas! I try to send them off to Grandma’s house for awhile so I have time to get everything set up.
Colleen @MommieDaze recently posted…That Time I Wanted to be Laura Ingalls When I Grew Up
Colleen- That’s smart. Grandma’s are the best!
Great tips! I try to make a few items ahead of time and make a simple menu. I will often come up with a new craft or activity for the kids to take part in to keep them busy while I cook.
Melissa Matters recently posted…15 Reasons my Toddler Might be Mad at Me Today
Melissa- That’s a great idea. Something new is the way to go to keep the kids busy!
I live by my lists. #5 is a great idea. It’s a good time to bring out those toys I’ve been hiding.