Here I am… Just blogging away…

  • Just blogging away...
  • Oh look!
  • Someone decided to help.
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Who would have guessed that I would miss writing lesson plans?

I figured that I would miss the children (of course), seeing my coworkers/friends every day (naturally), seeing the lightbulb going off in a student’s mind (no doubt). Lesson plan writing? No way! Yet, I do miss writing lesson plans. I miss creating different themes for each week with strategies and activities that cater to a variety of learning styles. Science experiments, math games, and art projects- I had such a blast thinking up ways to motivate my students. I am now a stay-at-home mom, so no lesson plan writing for me. In order to fill the void, I have decided to try my hand at blogging.

As a first time mom all of the topics that interest me fall into three distinct categories: fitness, food, and fun. It is definitely challenging finding the time to sneak in a workout with the “World’s Worst Sleeper.” I plan to write about all of the little workouts I have created out of necessity and sneaky tricks that I have used to help stay in shape and lose the baby weight. Food is something my whole family is passionate about, including baby W. Baby boy LOVES to eat! My husband and I are both grateful because we both enjoy cooking. I think the dog is the only family member that doesn’t appreciate W’s eating habits. I hope to take plenty of pictures of the messy meals W enjoys eating. Finally, and most importantly, W and I have SO much fun during the day. We find interesting things to do both at home and out and about. I will share all of our many adventures we get into on a daily basis.

I hope reading my blog is just as enjoyable as my time spent writing it. Please feel free to leave comments!


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