I’ll be honest. I am no fashion maven.
That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy shopping and getting all dolled up every now and then.
There’s nothing like buying a new outfit, taking it home, and immediately trying it on again to make sure it looks just as good in your bathroom mirror as it does in the store.
Am I the only one that does this?
Unfortunately, I have noticed my fashion sense has started on a downward spiral as of late.
Instead of a cute skirt, blouse and boots I am slipping into the ever-so-stylish mom uniform of a t-shirt, yoga pants and sneakers.
I’m in serious need of a clothing intervention!
Thankfully, I stumbled upon a list of Fall Fashion Trends for 2014 at Fashionista. I seriously jumped for joy as I scanned through the list.
Take a look through my own list below to see why I think all moms will appreciate this year’s fall fashion trends.
- Sportswear: Didn’t I just mention that my current wardrobe consists of different combinations of brightly-colored t-shirts and yoga pants? Well, look who’s starting trends! Yes, sneakers, tanks, and all types of athletic wear are apparently all the rage. Now I can proudly parade around in my comfiest clothes because it’s fashion.
- Goth: I always liked wearing lots of different colors. Colors make me feel happy. Now, I find myself gravitating toward darker colors more and more. I wonder if it might have something to do with the tiny mess-maker sleeping in the room down the hall?
- Knitwear: Head-to-toe knitwear is IN. That means it’s completely acceptable to drape myself in layers of wool, alpaca, and cashmere. Hm, maybe I’d better skip the cashmere with my little, messy eater around (see How the Baby Demanded Baby Led Weaning). Even without the cashmere, this trend is one of my favorites. Why? Well, I can roll out of bed, throw on some knitted item and look red-carpet ready. I am even blessed to have two knitters in my family- my mom and sister-in-law. Just check out my sister-in-law’s amazing knitting skills at The Domestic Duck.
- Fairytale: Is your child OBSESSED with Frozen? The fairytale trend is perfect for Fall. Just dress up as one of the Frozen characters for Halloween, then continue to wear your costume every. single. day. A ball grown with a cape and a crown could be the new “mommy uniform.”
- Everything Oversized: When I was pregnant with W I proudly stuck my belly out there for the world to see. After he was born I struggled to find the right top to hide the flabby mess that was left over. If only oversized outfits were trending right after I gave birth!
- Swinging 60’s: I have a love/hate relationship with the TV show Mad Men. To be honest, I can’t stand ANY of the characters on the show. They are really just awful people. Yet, I continue to watch it… because of the amazing fashion. I particularly love the clothes that they are starting to show now that the show is in the late 60s: the short skirts, high boots, and bright colors. Yes, maybe I’ll go out and get a new pair of high heeled boots…
On second thought, I think I’ll just stick to my yoga pants and sneakers. I’d better take advantage of the trend while it lasts!
What about you, readers? Do you follow fashion trends? What’s your favorite thing to wear? Let me know in the comment section below!
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Great post! I don’t see myself chasing Jane around in a Frozen ball gown, but I can definitely get behind the knitwear trend and oversized clothes will be great for my frowning belly. I used to spend a lot more money on adding trendy pieces to my wardrobe each season. Now that my parents aren’t buying (too bad) and we’re living on one income (happily), I have tried to stick to more classic pieces. Boring? Maybe. But at least I don’t need a new wardrobe each season!
Melissa- You must have been frowning when you typed growing! I agree with you though. It’s difficult to resist buying all of the cute clothes, but in the end it is much better to buy less, but nicer clothes that will last. You should really reconsider buying the Frozen ball gown though. I bet Jane would lOVE it.
Haha, weird that growing auto-corrects to frowning…
Loved this so much and your pictures are just adorable!!! I’m so glad that I can maintain some type of
Loved this so much and your pictures are just adorable!!! I’m so glad that I can maintain some type of
Am I just not seeing it all or did my comment somehow get cut in half??
Rachael- It seems as though it cut your comment in half! Sorry! Thanks for the first part though 🙂
Haha so strange!!! I think I just said it’s nice to know I can be somewhat in fashion despite my momtastic look these days! Thanks for sharing and sorry for all the extra comments lol
You’re right! I actually like all of this. Finally a fashion blog post for me!
Christen recently posted…It’s Friday’s Work at Home Link Up & Blog Hop! Find Out How to Become a Freelance Writer with Author Mandy Robinson
Christen- Glad you liked it!
Very cute! I love your workout outfit!
Lauren recently posted…Vacation from Social Media
Lauren- Thank you!
I would love to pay more attention to my wardrobe but it always ends up with paint and goo on it (I have no idea how that happens.) 😉 so I usually stick to jeans.
shelah@mosswoodconnections.com recently posted…Our Tips for Developing Social Skills
Shelah- I know what you mean! There’s no use in dressing up during the day.
Yoga pans apparently are the mom uniform. And I totally know what you mean about lack of colour. Since joining Pinterest, I’ve tried to seek realistic inspiration and try to dress myself more frequently than I have been. Lol. In terms of Frozen, what is that? We’re too busy singing “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”, “for the first time in forever” and “Let it Go” to do much of anything these days!!!! 😛
Alana recently posted…Feeling Grateful – Fully Funded Programs in Canada
Alana- That’s smart to look to pinterest for some realistic outfit choices! haha, I’m singing all of those songs all day long and my son is too little to even watch the movie!
You are a great writer! Such a great post! I wish oversized clothing was in fashion after I gave birth to my children as well!
Jennifer- Thanks so much! You just made my day!
I’m wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt right now. I just bought some new clothes so I’m excited to year some fashionable stuff. Love your photos…I think you’re a great model and so is your dog.
Melissa Matters recently posted…5 Nice Things to Say to a New Mom
Melissa- I am also wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt! And, thank you!
oops…that’s supposed to be “wear” not year.
Melissa Matters recently posted…5 Nice Things to Say to a New Mom
Ummm this post needs a love button!!! I keep telling my husband that motherhood hasn’t done anything for my looks or fashion sense! It’s hard to get a shower in never mind pick a cute outfit and put a little makeup on without it getting spit up on. I dig that althetic gear is in! It’s kinda my fav look haha! Although I do love me some leggings and cute boots! Great post! So glad we connected! ☺
Sue- Thanks so much! I agree. I also find it much easier to get a workout in if I’m already in my workout clothes!
I love these trends, but the ball gown is a winner, LOL. Great pictures!
Laura recently posted…Creative ABCs
what a fun list and love the photos that go with it!
You’re too cute! I love that knit sweater coat! I’m not much of a fashionista. I wish I had more fashion sense. Now, my daughter, who is 7, is giving me fashion advice. I just need to wait a few years, and I can borrow clothes from her, but she’ll probably be horrified. 🙂
I wish I could wear my sports wear to work! My boss probably wouldn’t mind, but some of my colleagues would have a snit fit! I can totally get behind the knitwear trend though. Turtleneck, sweater and jeans was my middle school wardrobe! Just call me fashionista!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Secrets: To Keep or not to Keep
Rabia- Yes, I would not have been able to do the sports wear trend while I was still teaching. I like the sound of your middle school wardrobe!
Dresses have a place in fall, just as they do in summer and spring. To help you figure out just how to get away with a dress when it’s 40 degrees out, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite cute Best Fall Dresses for Women. A lot of the options are casual, but we snuck in a few that would be ideal for the perfect autumn wedding. Remember to pair these with the right shoes and bag, and you’ll be all set to go. And if you weren’t a fan of long-sleeved dresses before, you’re about it be!
The article offers several suggestions and advice for developing a personal style that feels authentic to oneself, such as experimenting with various looks, including distinctive accessories, and dressing in comfortable clothing. The article’s overall appeal is increased by the visual appeal as well as the article’s engaging and simple to understand writing style. I really suggest reading this post on DressChart.com if you’re looking for style ideas or a new angle on clothing. Visit their fashion trends website at https://dresschart.com/fashion-trends/ for additional fashion trends and advice.
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