Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate

Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate via http://www.thegoodmama.org

I’ll be honest. I am no fashion maven.

That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy shopping and getting all dolled up every now and then.

There’s nothing like buying a new outfit, taking it home, and immediately trying it on again to make sure it looks just as good in your bathroom mirror as it does in the store.

Am I the only one that does this?

Unfortunately, I have noticed my fashion sense has started on a downward spiral as of late.

Instead of a cute skirt, blouse and boots I am slipping into the ever-so-stylish mom uniform of a t-shirt, yoga pants and sneakers.

I’m in serious need of a clothing intervention!

Thankfully, I stumbled upon a list of Fall Fashion Trends for 2014 at Fashionista. I seriously jumped for joy as I scanned through the list.

Take a look through my own list below to see why I think all moms will appreciate this year’s fall fashion trends.

Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate via http://www.thegoodmama.org

  • Sportswear: Didn’t I just mention that my current wardrobe consists of different combinations of brightly-colored t-shirts and yoga pants? Well, look who’s starting trends! Yes, sneakers, tanks, and all types of athletic wear are apparently all the rage.  Now I can proudly parade around in my comfiest clothes because it’s fashion. 

Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate

  • Goth: I always liked wearing lots of different colors. Colors make me feel happy. Now, I find myself gravitating toward darker colors more and more. I wonder if it might have something to do with the tiny mess-maker sleeping in the room down the hall?
  • Knitwear: Head-to-toe knitwear is IN. That means it’s completely acceptable to drape myself in layers of wool, alpaca, and cashmere. Hm, maybe I’d better skip the cashmere with my little, messy eater around (see How the Baby Demanded Baby Led Weaning). Even without the cashmere, this trend is one of my favorites. Why? Well, I can roll out of bed, throw on some knitted item and look red-carpet ready. I am even blessed to have two knitters in my family- my mom and sister-in-law. Just check out my sister-in-law’s amazing knitting skills at The Domestic Duck.

Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate via http://www.thegoodmama.org

  • Fairytale: Is your child OBSESSED with Frozen? The fairytale trend is perfect for Fall. Just dress up as one of the Frozen characters for Halloween, then continue to wear your costume every. single. day. A ball grown with a cape and a crown could be the new “mommy uniform.”
  • Everything Oversized: When I was pregnant with W I proudly stuck my belly out there for the world to see. After he was born I struggled to find the right top to hide the flabby mess that was left over. If only oversized outfits were trending right after I gave birth!

Fall Fashion Trends Moms Will Appreciate via http://www.thegoodmama.org

  • Swinging 60’s: I have a love/hate relationship with the TV show Mad Men. To be honest, I can’t stand ANY of the characters on the show. They are really just awful people. Yet, I continue to watch it… because of the amazing fashion. I particularly love the clothes that they are starting to show now that the show is in the late 60s: the short skirts, high boots, and bright colors. Yes, maybe I’ll go out and get a new pair of high heeled boots…

On second thought, I think I’ll just stick to my yoga pants and sneakers. I’d better take advantage of the trend while it lasts!

Untitled1 What about you, readers? Do you follow fashion trends? What’s your favorite thing to wear? Let me know in the comment section below!

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