Although I’m chillin’ inside while W naps, I can sense the temperatures steadily rising outside. It’s supposed to get up to the 90s (eek!) by tomorrow. Summer has most certainly arrived!
Summer is one of my favorite seasons, and it’s not just because I have always looked forward to summer vacation as a teacher. There are so many things I love about summer: heading to the shore, relaxing by the pool, sipping tropical-themed cocktails (I wish… #pregnancyproblems).
Yet, there’s a reason we call it the “lazy days of summer.” With all that sun, heat and humidity, it’s easy to be… well, lazy. Who wants to workout when sweat instantly starts pouring from your body the moment you step outside?
It’s a catch-22. You want to look your best and stay cool in your bathing suit and tank top, but exercising, the thing that will help you “look your best,” is most unappealing when the temperatures rise to the high 90s.
Thankfully, there are plenty of summer workouts to sidestep this dilemma and beat the heat.
Summer Workouts to Beat the Heat
It can be tough to stick to your fitness goals when the heat and humidity have got you down. I already have my own personal heat pack strapped to me thanks to this little baby girl growing inside. The last thing I want is to get overheated.
Here are some summer workouts to beat the heat…
1. Swimming
Swimming is such a great workout that it’s a no-brainer addition to the summer workout list. It works your full body, it’s great on your joints, it burns lots of calories and the possibilities for a workout are unlimited. The only problem I find with swimming is that I’m often at a loss for exactly what to do. Dipping your toes in the shallow end doesn’t count as a workout. Here are some great swimming workouts to try at the pool (or ocean!) nearest you.
- There are over 33 water exercises to check out at Shape- no laps required!
- I also really like these 8 pool exercises that burn fat fast from Lifescript. You will need one of those pool noodles!
- If you are more of a lap-type person, here are the five types of swimming styles from Livestrong.
2. Biking
What better way to stay cool than to have the breeze whipping through your hair while going for a nice, long bike ride. Bike rides with my brothers and dad were an everyday occurrence growing up. You can make your next workout a family event with a bike ride. I’m ashamed to admit that I currently do not own a bike. So, since I’m way overdue for a bike purchase, I’ve started researching the best bike for me.
- I thought this article on how to choose a bike from REI was such a fabulous resource.
- If you’re like me and still waiting to buy the perfect bike, here’s a great stationary bike workout from Popsugar.
3. Head to the shore
The beach is one of the best places to get in an awesome workout during the summer. It may be difficult to believe, but a run on the boardwalk against a cool, beachy breeze can be so refreshing. Even a simple walk along the sand will work your leg muscles. There’s no end to the amount of exercises you can do by the ocean: invoke your inner child while body surfing, boogie boarding or jumping the waves, rent a bike (see #2), or even try surfing or paddle boarding.
- Get up early before the beach gets crowded and try this intense beach HITT workout from Huffington Post.
- Here are a few easy beach exercises to try from Women’s Health Magazine.
4. Wake up your inner early bird or night owl
As a mom of a toddler, I don’t really have much choice in my decision to be an early bird. If you find yourself in a similar boat, embrace it and get out there during the coolest time of the day. You can go for a run or try some backyard yoga or weight training. No headphones required- the birds will be singing away bright and early in the morning!
- Try this outdoor yoga routine (with outdoor yoga tips included) from Whole Living.
- Or, try these 5 great toning exercises in your own backyard from Fitness Viking.
5. Take your workout inside
As much as I want to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather, it’s often necessary to take the workout inside. Whether you sign up for a group fitness class, head to the gym or stay home and pop in a workout DVD, you can still get an intense workout right inside. I take advantage of my son’s nap time for many of my workouts. Here are some workouts you can do right inside at home!
- A leg workout that allows you to pick and choose your favorite moves
- An easy arm workout that requires some free weights
- A fun, yet intense, cardio workout
- A simple 20-minute treadmill workout
Do you have any other summer workouts to add to the list? Let me know in the comment section below!

Great stuff and ideas Tricia! I love summer but cannot stand sweating just because I existed. I take the boys on walks a lot and do YouTube workouts inside. Of love to bike, but with 3 boys, not sure how…unless I got a carriage thing to pull them all! Maybe I’ll look into it!
Rachael Boley recently posted…Women, You’re Not “Just” Anything
Thanks, Rachael! My friend just got one of those carriage things. She loves it! I’m tempted to get one too. Although I get a little nervous about me turning around to find the carriage gone or something.
Thanks for the different ideas! We live super close to the beach so I am definitely going to have to try a workout there one morning!
Great ideas! I want to try some more yoga at home because the classes at my gym are right during dinner time!
Rachel B recently posted…Easy Grilled Chicken Kabobs
DVD workout are the way to go. I also do Ballet, which I just posted about today too 🙂
Shann Eva recently posted…Fitness Fridays and Ballet
Such a great list! I think my favorite is going to the beach. Walking on the sand gets tiring so you know it’s a workout. And swimming in the ocean fighting the waves is so fun you don’t even notice you’re burning calories.
Tarynn Playle recently posted…A Few Things I Learned at #DisneySMMC On the Road
I love biking in the summer!! And swimming! great tips here!
Lauren recently posted…Summer Sips: Mango Pineapple Cocktail
Great ideas for exercising in three summer time!
I walk with a few ladies with our babies everyday, I think I might bring up moving it an hour earlier… Great ideas 🙂 recently posted…The Pin Project ~ Making the Most from Pinterest
I love this list! especially #5. YouTube’s BeFit channel is probably my best friend!!
Jacqui recently posted…Summer Break Activities
I’m saving and sharing this post. It’s awesome. I used to do SkinnyMsFitness’ arm workout. It really did tone them well in just 20-minutes.
Caryn recently posted…35-Fit, Fun and Mostly Free Activities for Kids
Awesome list Tricia! I have got to get in some water soon…either a pool or a lake!
Natasha recently posted…Mini Van Got Keyed; How Shall I Survive?!
You are awesome. Love this post…and thanks for the motivation!
Kristen recently posted…How Owning a Kitten is Sort of Like Having Another a Baby
Awesome tips! We try to get to the beach as much as possible….although not everyday because the gas is too expensive. I’m glad I have a treadmill so I can use it when it’s super hot.
Melissa recently posted…The Illusion of Perfection
I don’t have a hard time walking it’s just that on the lunges I just feel like I have a better grip on the floor when my feet are turned in. However, my teacher got a hold of me before I could get to the treadmill and she told me that it could eventually lead to a knee injury. So, maybe the two of us can talk and just work on those for a little bit after class tomorrow.