I ran my first half marathon in Philly this past weekend.
It was amazing!
The weather turned out to be pretty good (chilly, but not too cold), the city views were breathtaking and no one had to peel me off the pavement halfway along the course.
That being said, running 13.1 miles definitely provides ample time to think.
As I made my way around the city, I couldn’t help but compare running my first half marathon to childbirth.
Don’t forget to stop by my fitness page for some workouts and tips on staying fit.
9 Ways Running a Half Marathon is like Childbirth
**Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link, and, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
- Pre-race/Pregnancy:
- In the final month of pregnancy I over-packed my hospital bag with everything you could possibly need while giving birth and after (e.g. a robe, change of clothes, slippers, socks, sugar free candies, etc.). I even bought an impractical, but adorable coming home outfit for my new baby.
- Before the race, I made sure I had everything you could possibly need while running a half marathon (e.g. tissues, headband, running belt, watch, socks, throw-away sweatshirt, leggings, long-sleeved t-shirt, etc.). I even bought a bright teal jacket in case there happened to be a blizzard during the race (there wasn’t).
- Waiting around for the race/labor to begin:
- This is the WORST part of pregnancy. It doesn’t help when everyone around you is asking, “Have you had that baby yet?”
- This is the WORST part of the race. I get in place in my corral, I’m ready to go, I’m all warm and stretched, and then we stand there… and wait.
- Labor/the race begins:
- When I felt the first indications that labor was beginning, I felt excited. This is it! For months I’ve been preparing, planning, and “training” for this. I finally get to meet my baby.
- It’s such a thrill when you finally get the signal to start the race. This is it! For months I’ve been preparing, planning, and training for this. I can’t wait to cross that finish line.
- The uncertainty of labor/the race:
- After the initial excitement of the prospect of labor starting, I began to feel quite uncertain. Wait, is this labor? How long will this last? This must be labor! Huh, this isn’t SO bad. Is this labor?
- I was told the Philly half was fairly flat except for a dreaded hill near the zoo. Hills are not my favorite things to run (does anyone like running hills?), so I was a little anxious to conquer it. What I didn’t realize is that there is a slight hill before the dreaded zoo hill. Is this the zoo hill? This must be the zoo hill! Huh, this isn’t SO bad. Is this the zoo hill?
- The pain of labor/the race:
- Everyone, from relatives to doctors, told me, “Oh, you’ll just know when you go into labor.” For me, that was absolutely true. Once the labor pain truly kicked it into high gear I most certainly felt it. I’M IN LABOR!
- Before the race my brother told me, “Oh, you’ll just know when you get to the zoo hill.” Yep, he was right. THIS IS THE ZOO HILL (I hope I didn’t frighten any fellow runners when I screamed that at the top of my lungs)!
- The pushing:
- For some reason unclear to me, I had the impression that the pushing part of childbirth doesn’t hurt. Well, when you run out of time for the epidural, apparently is hurts… real bad. I’m pretty sure I cut off all the circulation in Good Papa’s hand.
- While running, I kept telling myself that once I got to mile 12 it would be smooth sailing with only 1 more mile to go. I could easily push myself to my fastest pace toward the finish line. Unfortunately, the last mile was the most difficult mile for me. I probably slapped the hand of the girl holding the sign FREE High Fives a little too hard.
- The finish line:
- There’s nothing quite like holding your baby you carried inside for nine months in your arms. No words can truly describe the over-whelming joy of childbirth.
- Childbirth may have a slight edge on completing a half marathon (Sorry, but W is way cuter than any medal), but it is still an amazing feeling. I can certainly see why they call it a runner’s high.
- The aftermath: WOW! I’m sore!
- Some time passes: Okay, I’m ready for the next one!
Have you ever completed a race? What crazy thoughts have run through your head while running? Let me know in the comment section below.

Love this!! And holy moly, you rock! I can’t even run a quarter of a mile before I feel like I’m going to die.
Lauren recently posted…The Deep End of Parenthood
Thanks, Lauren! Have you ever tried the Couch to 5K program? I know a lot of people who have had great success with it. In fact, my friend who ran the half marathon with me started with the couch to 5K.
Tricia the Good Mama recently posted…9 Ways Running a Half Marathon is like Childbirth
Love love love this post!!!! You rocked it this weekend. Congrats girl.
PS. I think I screamed too when I saw the “zoo hill”.
Thanks, Angie! You did amazing!! We will have to plan our next race. Hopefully I’ll get into Broad Street again this year.
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Holiday Checklist
You cracked me up. I know what I’m going to be thinking about when I run my next half marathon! Love the picture of you with your brother and dad! Great looking family. You are one badass mother runner!
Michelle recently posted…I’m Thankful For…
Thank you, Michelle! I look forward to reading about your next half marathon. Are you planning on running a marathon? I think I read that you were going to run one. That’s impressive! I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready for that!
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Holiday Checklist
Yes, I will be running a marathon with my mom next year. It’s on her bucket list, not mine lol
Michelle recently posted…I’m Thankful For…
That’s so great! My dad and brother both did marathons. Maybe one day I’ll do it too! For now, I’ll stick to the half.
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Holiday Checklist
Although I can’t relate to the pregnancy comments, all of the running comments ring true. Congratulations on completing your first half marathon. Great job! I am very proud of you. Love Dad
Thank you, Dad! You did great too. It’s so much fun running with you and Timmy!
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Holiday Checklist
Funny! You did great at both labor and the half…and nice rewards at the end of both although I’m partial to W too.
Mary Kay- Thank you! haha I’m partial to W as well. haha
Tricia “The Good Mama” recently posted…Holiday Checklist
i hate runnning. i like child birth. 🙂
haha! I hate labor, like running and love child birth.
Nice comparison! I totally wish the pushing part didn’t hurt. I was screaming my head off lol
I haven’t run a Half Marathon, but I have run a marathon and a few 10-milers…I especially agree with The Finish Line. There is definitely an indescribable high after both running the race and childbirth! You cannot know it until you feel it 😉
Emily recently posted…How to Set Goals using Short Challenges and Mini Goals
Emily, that’s awesome you have run a marathon. Maybe one day I’ll try it out. I’m still sticking to the half for now.