Homemade Dumbbells

Homemade Dumbbells- a super easy DIY project!

I was so happy my sister-in-law Melissa wrote a guest post for The Good Mama blog this past Monday. If you missed it, be sure to check out her super easy, healthy, and, most importantly, delicious Banana Oat Cookies.

Melissa blogs for the Domestic Duck. She had taken some time off because, well, 17 month olds can keep you pretty busy I suppose. Though, I am trying to encourage her to start up again. Why? You ask.

Why would I ever want yet another mommy blogger competing for page views?

  1. As I mentioned in What to Expect at your First Blog Conference, bloggers have realized the importance of paying it forward in blogging. We all benefit when we team up, support and promote each other. I am sure my sister-in-law and I would make a great team!
  2. Melissa is just amazing. Not only does she have a law degree, but she also knits, sews, bakes, cooks, and does countless other crafty things. I just love checking out of all her new projects, and I know others would too.

*Have I convinced you to start blogging again yet, Melissa? 

Since Melissa wrote a guest post for me, I have decided to try to be somewhat “crafty” with my own DIY project.

Homemade Dumbbells are really easy to make. You may even have all of the materials on hand.

These homemade dumbbells are perfect if you want to start lifting a little weight, but don’t feel like running out to buy weights.

Be sure to stay tuned for an upcoming arm workout you can do with your homemade dumbbells!

Homemade Dumbbells


  • Empty milk jugs  *You can use whatever size you’d prefer; you could use empty water bottles if you want lighter weights
  • Play sand *I suppose you could you use rice or beans if you want the jugs to be a little lighter
  • Hot glue gun or Krazy glue would probably work

Homemade Dumbbells- Super Easy DIY project


  1. Clean out the milk jugs.
  2. Slowly pour sand into milk jugs. A funnel would be handy if you had one; I just used a plastic cup that I squeezed together at the top.
  3. Glue the cap onto the milk jug.
  4. Get ready for your workout!

Homemade Dumbbells- Super easy DIY project!

*BONUS: Keep the leftover sand in a tupperware container with some sand toys. Your baby can play in the sand while you get a workout in!

Homemade Dumbbells- Super easy DIY project!

Homemade Dumbbells

What did you think of my first DIY project? Do you like DIY projects? Do you lift weights as part of your fitness routine? Let me know in the comment section!

Want more fitness tips and tricks? Be sure to sign up for The Good Mama newsletter below.


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