Exercises You Can Do with Your Kids

Exercises You Can Do WITH Your Kids via http://www.thegoodmama.org

I am all about easy exercises you can sneak in throughout your day. It can be really tough finding time to workout if you are taking care of kids, cooking dinner, working, etc.

My favorite way to add fitness to my day is to combine it with something else that you already have/want to do.

For example, take a look at my Football Fitness, a workout you can do while you are watching the game. Or, you can try my workout specifically for bloggers or people that can’t seem to part from the computer screen.

When you have kids, exercise often gets put on the back burner.

As W grows, the amount of time he sleeps (a.k.a. my free time) shrinks. I am currently holding on for dear life to W’s second nap as it slowly slips away from me.

On the other hand, if you are like Good Papa, after working all day you just want to get home and play with your child. Exercise is the last thing on your mind.

Well, you no longer have to push fitness aside.

Here are some exercises you can do with your kid(s).

*Note: W is a little too young to do some of these exercises with me, but he still had a blast watching me and playing around. 

Exercises You Can Do with Your Kids

1. Jump rope: This is so easy and SO good for you. I mean, Rocky did it when he trained so it must be good, right? Pull your jump rope out and start jumping whenever you get a spare moment. Bonus: you can play limbo when you are finished jumping rope!

2. Hula Hoop: Who doesn’t like to hula hoop? It’s great for your abs. I’ll admit I’m not very good, but I can’t resist trying. W thought it was just the funniest thing!

Exercises You Can Do WITH Your Kids via http://www.thegoodmama.org

3. Tag: It’s amazing how much fun you can have with such a simple game. When you are a kid you can run for hours and hours without even realizing you are exercising. Adults tend to turn exercise into such a chore. It doesn’t have to be. You can make your kid’s day playing tag with them and still free good about yourself.

4. Sports (basketball, tennis, soccer, etc.): The Good Papa does not like to run. Instead, he likes to play basketball to get his share of cardio. He will often take W out after work and shoot some hoops with him. W thinks it’s the best. He also gets the added difficulty level of trying to hold W in one arm while shooting the ball with the other.

Exercises You Can Do WITH Your Kids via http://www.thegoodmama.org

5. Yoga: Kids love yoga. When I taught kindergarten, I would often use yoga if the children were getting particularly antsy. It helped calm them down and focus on the next activity. In fact, babies and kids are really good at yoga. They are so flexible and have the best posture! If you have a newborn, definitely look into Mommy & Me Yoga. W and I loved going to Wake Up Yoga in the Fairmount area of Philadelphia. It was relaxing and got me back in shape after W was born.

6. Dance: This is W’s favorite. His dancing usually consists of bouncing up and down and swinging his head back and forth. He absolutely loves it when I join in with him. I know eventually he is going to think I’m so weird for dancing around the house, so until then, I am going to dance away.

Exercises You Can Do WITH Your Kids via http://www.thegoodmama.org

7. Stroller Strides: Unfortunately, stroller strides never really worked out for us since it was during nap time and W will only nap in his crib. The time I managed to get over there I really enjoyed myself. It was great to talk with other moms while getting a tough workout in. Find the closest stroller strides near you. Although, if you have a crazy baby like I do, then you can always check out my Stroller Ab Workout to do on your own time.


Exercises You Can Do with Your Kids Do you exercise with your kid(s)? What are some of your favorite things to do with them? Let me know in the comment section below!

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