Basketball Drills for a Cardio Blast

I have a confession. Basketball is not my forte. I played in 7th and 8th grade. Our team was awful. I was awful. I think I scored a total of 10 points my entire career. If I’m being honest, I was decidedly satisfied with that number.

Yet, here I am, writing about basketball drills. You can blame it on Good Papa. The theme this week is “Fun with Daddy,” and Good Papa is exceedingly fond of the sport. He even played in college. In my “unbiased” wife-like opinion, he could quite possibly be a professional if he didn’t love his day job so much.

True be told, I’m sure actual, real-life basketball players will laugh at my “drills.” Good Papa reluctantly shared one drill with me. The rest of the moves I was able to come up with from my time spent watching the Sixers.

Oh no! I hope I haven’t completely put you off on trying this workout plan because it truthfully is a great workout. My heart rate was going, and I was sweating up a storm- all important for a cardio blast.

Check out the work out below…

basketball drills

Hopefully some pictures will give you a clear picture of the routine. If you are still unsure, please let me know in the comment section below.

Defense Drills

  • Shuffle, shuffle, touch the floor
  • Fast break "sprint in place," jump up and block
  • Jump to the side to "block" to the right and to the left
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Offense Drills

  • Grab from the left/right, then jump up and "shoot"
  • Grab from the left/right, "pass" to the other side
  • Pass the "ball" (or dumbbell or just pretend) under right then left leg; stay in squat position
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Let me know what you think. Any real basketball players out there? How hard did you laugh at my “drills?”


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