Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers


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I love Fall in the Northeast. The weather is wonderful, and the colors on the trees are spectacular. For a curious toddler, there are endless learning opportunities right out in nature.

W and I have really enjoyed going on nature walks this Fall. It’s a simple activity to do, and I’m in dire need of simple activities with the newborn and all. W loves picking up all sorts of things in our yard: colorful leaves, pinecones, rocks, and, his favorite, acorns.

You really can do a lot with acorns. I found a ton of fun activities to do with acorns on pinterest. Here are some of my favorites…

Right before I had my daughter, I was hugely pregnant, trying my best to stay busy and think of activities to keep my toddler busy while I was busy with the newborn. We had collected a bunch of acorns, so I thought a game with acorns would be a hit with my son.

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

This acorn color match activity for toddlers is super easy to make. It took me no time at all. I painted the acorns and egg carton with acrylic paint, and left it overnight to dry. I then drew on cute little faces with a paint marker because I couldn’t resist turning the acorns into little people wearing hats.

Your toddler can play this color match game by himself OR you can turn it into a game with another friend. W had a fabulous time with my niece trying to see who could match the acorns to the correct colors first. With Thanksgiving coming up this is the perfect game to set out on the kids’ table to keep them entertained.

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

This game works great with colors and cute little faces, but you could also modify it for older children or different concepts. Here are some other ideas:

  • Match letters or numbers
  • Match shapes
  • Match lower case and upper case letters
  • Match addition/subtraction problems to the answers

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

What you’ll need: 

How to make the activity: Paint the acorns and egg carton. **Before painting acorns, be sure to leave them in the freezer for a few hours or bake them on low heat for a few hours. You don’t want any bugs surprising you later on! Leave overnight to dry. Add on cute faces to the acorns. Enjoy!

Acorn Color Match Activity for Toddlers

Toddler fun The Good Mama



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