5 Stay-at-Home Date Night Ideas

5 Stay at home date night ideas


Good Papa and I just celebrated W’s first birthday this past Monday.

Our 2nd anniversary was also this past Monday.

Two years ago on August 4th my stomach filled with butterflies as I anxiously prepared to walk down the aisle. One year ago on August 4th it felt as if those butterflies had grew horns and sharp spiky tails and began to thrash around wreaking havoc on my insides.

Oh! What a difference a year makes!

I wrote on Monday the importance of making time for your husband. So, I compiled a simple list of 5 stay-at-home date night ideas for those nights you just can’t find a babysitter…

1. Make dinner together

We usually eat dinner as a family- Good Papa, myself, and W (remember the whole “Baby-Led Weaning thing?”).

Once in awhile it’s nice to let W eat before us, tuck him into bed (he goes down so easily), and have a romantic evening cooking together.

It’s a great chance to unwind after a long, stressful day, and have an adult conversation.

It’s even better if your spouse offers to cook. Oh yes, Good Papa enjoys cooking. I know, I know, I’m too lucky!


5 Stay-at-home date night ideas

2. Movie Night

Good Papa and I love going to the movies. We have discovered, however, that it is a lot more difficult to get out to the movies after having a baby.

A word to pregnant, first time moms- go to the movies as often as you can now! 

While nothing beats heading out to the theater and sitting down with a big bag of movie-theater popcorn, you can definitely recreate the same “feeling” at home.

Make popcorn (try out this amazing idea for home-made microwaveable popcorn over at Life with Garnish), dim the lights, and don’t forget to take turns choosing the movie!

I’m pretty sure it’s my turn to pick the movie. Right, Good Papa?

5 stay at home date night ideas

3. Game Night

Honestly, we are not huge “gamers.” Yet, we have had some great times playing games.

It’s something different. It’s an easy way to mix things up on a boring, mundane week-day night.

I can be a bit of a sore winner at times. Luckily, Good Papa usually beats me!

There are lots of board games, but card games are a really easy way to go for just two players.

What’s your favorite board game/card game to play?

4. Wine & Cheese Tasting

Um, isn’t every night “Wine & Cheese Tasting” night? It should be!

Who doesn’t love a good wine paired perfectly with just the right bite of cheese?

Alright, maybe I haven’t a clue on how to pair wine and cheese, and, when it comes to wines, let’s just say,

I’m no sommelier.

Still, there’s something so romantic about trying a variety of cheeses, drinking wine, and listening to some good, jazzy music all while chatting it up with the love of your life.

5 stay at home date night ideas

5. Just talk

Yep, turn off the TV (sorry, no netflix marathons), look away from the iPads/iphones/kindles/etc. and just enjoy the quiet stillness with your spouse.

There are those nights, as we lay our heads on our pillows, I’ll realize that I just haven’t talked enough with Good Papa. When this happens I like to say,

Sooo, I know you are about to go to sleep, buttt… let’s talk about something! 

Good Papa just loves this.

It can be difficult to put down the electronics and just be present in the moment. They are ridiculously addicting!

Yet, I love the moments when I finally put the phone down, look up at the person I decided to spend the rest of my life with, and realize how truly blessed I am.

On that note, I’ll be signing off…

5 stay at home date night ideas


What are some of your date night ideas? What do you do to “keep the romance alive?” Leave me a comment below!

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