Fun Halloween Songs for Kids

I don’t think W is a fan of my singing.

I’ve mentioned before how much I like to sing. (20 Songs to Sing with Your Baby). And, despite my terrible voice, W has always enjoyed living his life as if it were a musical.

Or, so I thought.

It started innocently enough. With one thumb in his mouth, W would slowly bring his other hand up to cover mine. At first I didn’t think anything of it.

But now it’s happening all the time! He’s actually covering my mouth!

I’ll admit I felt somewhat deflated… for just a moment. Then, I pushed his hand out of the way and burst into Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off.

There’s no way I’m letting any baby stop my singing. In fact, here’s a list of Fun Halloween Songs for Kids that I’ll be singing for the rest of October- whether W likes it or not.

Check out the rest of the Fun for Kids on The Good Mama blog.

Fun Halloween Songs for Kids!

Fun Halloween Songs for Kids

1. One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pumpkins

One little, two little, three little pumpkins

Four little, five little, six little pumpkins

Seven little, eight little, nine little pumpkins

All on Halloween night!

2. Thriller by Michael Jackson

3. Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.

The first one said, “Oh, my! It’s getting late!”

The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”

The third one said, “But we don’t care.”

The fourth one said, “Let’s run, run, run!”

The fifth one said, “Let’s have some fun!”

Ooooooh went the wind, and out (clap) went the light!

And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

 4. The Addams’ Family Theme Song

5. There Was an Old Woman all Skin and Bones

There was an old woman all skin and bones. OooOOoooOOh!

She lived down by the old graveyard. OooOOoooOOh!

One night she thought she’d take a walk. OooOOoooOOh!

She walked down by the old graveyard. OooOOoooOOh!

She saw the bones all laying around. OooOOoooOOh!

She went to the closet to fetch her broom. OooOOoooOOh!

She opened the door and…. BOO!

6. Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett 

7. Pumpkins, Pumpkins (sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)

Pumpkins, pumpkins on the ground. 

Pumpkins, pumpkins all around. 

Pumpkins, pumpkins carved at night.

Jack-o-laterns shine so bright! 

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere. 

As jack-o-laterns they give a good scare! 

8. Five Little Witches 

Five little witches flying in the air. 

Five little witches give a good scare! 

Five little witches stir their brew. 

Five little witches come after YOU! 

Fun Halloween Songs for Kids

Even More Halloween Songs for Kids

Find even more Halloween songs for kids…

Here’s an adorable video version of The Five Little Pumpkins! 

What’s your favorite Halloween Song to Sing with your kid(s)? Let me know in the comment section! 
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