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Why do babies come with SO much stuff?
Before I had W, I combed through every “baby must-have list” and read every review in search of all the items that we needed. I even had a mini breakdown a few days before W was born because we didn’t have a proper gate securing the stairs. Fortunately, Good Papa was there to reassure me that our newborn most likely would not have the physical capabilities to climb out of the crib and throw himself down our staircase just yet.
Thankfully, I was slightly wiser by the time I got pregnant with Sweet P. I knew that half of the items on most lists were not necessary. I held off for most of the pregnancy. Yet, as the nesting phase kicked in, I felt compelled to go out and purchase anything and everything a newborn might possibly need. Despite my desire to buy tons and tons of cute baby clothes, I restrained myself… for the most part.
After spending the weekend packing up newborn and three month clothing for Sweet P, I thought about all the stuff that truly came in handy with baby number two. Here’s my list of surprisingly useful baby items for baby number two below.
5 Surprisingly Useful Baby Items for Baby Number Two
1. An Easy-to-Use Baby Carrier
I found the baby carrier to be the most useful baby item for baby number two. We have one of those bucket carseats, but honestly, I don’t know how people lug those things around AND have a free hand for your toddler. You could buy a snap and go stroller I suppose, but it seems like a whole lot of stuff for such a short amount of time.
I wear Sweet P in the carrier whenever we go out (which is most every morning and a few afternoons). It’s nice because she falls asleep and I feel like I can focus on W.
The particular carrier you get doesn’t really matter as long as it’s comfortable for you and baby. Be sure to get a carrier that is easy for you to use. I could never figure out the long wrap carriers, and they take too much time for me to get the baby in and out. There’s no time for wrapping with a toddler raring to go! These are the three carriers I have currently.
- Baby K’tan: It’s basically a wrap carrier that’s already wrapped up for you. It’s super easy and comfortable. The only problem is that it started to get uncomfortable once Sweet P got a little bigger. I thought it was perfect for the newborn stage. *Note: Make sure you order a small size. You want it nice and tight to you. I even threw it in the dryer a few times when it stretched out a little.

- Ergo: I bought the Ergo with W and I still really like it. I usually wear the Ergo whenever we go to the grocery store because it has a pocket. I just throw my wallet, keys and phone in there and I’m good to go.

- Mai Tai: I LOVE this wrap. It’s super comfortable. Basically, it’s like an Ergo, but with larger shoulder straps and you tie it up instead of buckle. I even got Good Papa and my mom to wear this one!

2. Milkies- Milk Savers
If you are going to breastfeed or pump, these Milk Savers are amazing! I wish I had discovered them in the beginning. You simply place these bad boys on one breast while you breastfeed with the other. It collects the milk that’ll most likely be spraying everywhere during those beginning engorgement times. Pumping can be such a pain, not to mention time consuming. These milk savers are an easy way to build up your supply for those times you want to sneak away or if you are going back to work.

3. Sound machine
I’m slightly embarrassed to admit this, but W still uses his sound machine. He is such a light sleeper! We decided to go ahead and buy another sound machine for our Sweet P. With a crazy, loud toddler running around we quickly found we needed something to drown out the noise for her naps. I even bought a travel sound machine to use on the go.



4. Busy Boxes for the Toddler
This past spring and summer while I was rolling around hugely pregnant, I made a few busy boxes for W. The purpose was to create some activities for him while I was nursing the baby or putting her to sleep. I am SO glad I made these things! They really have been lifesavers. The other day I was putting Sweet P to sleep while W played with his Pom-Pom Sort box on the floor.
You don’t need to make a bunch of these boxes, but I would recommend organizing a few quiet toys that you know will keep your older child occupied. You know your child best, but here are a few other ideas…
- Small toys and figurines (cars, construction equipment, dinosaurs, Disney characters, little people, animals)
- Puzzles
- blocks
- art supplies (mess-free books, crayons, play dough)
- books
5. Something to Place Baby In
I found it really handy to have a “container” to place Sweet P in when she is awake and I need a free hand. You can easily wear the baby, but sometimes your back just needs a break. The key is to find the right baby container that your baby likes. The problem is that the right one is different for every baby. Our Sweet P loves the swing, but W wasn’t a huge fan. He preferred the bouncer. Hopefully your second baby will like whatever you have from the first baby! If you don’t have a swing or bouncer, one of those play mats inside the crib or Pack ‘n Play works in a pinch too.

What baby items did you find surprisingly useful for baby number 2?

Baby carrier- yes! I had the Moby Wrap and the Bjorn. I love the Moby Wrap for when they are little, but the Bjorn hurts my back- I need to find something else for baby #3. I need to try the milk savers. Since I teach classes at the gym, I have to have breast milk ready for if the baby gets hungry while I am teaching. I usually get up, feed the baby, get breakfast going, and then pump before I leave… all before 8:30am! It makes it for a crazy morning so I think the milk savers would help. Thanks for the recommendation, Tricia.
Great tips! I love that third baby carrier.
I only have one, but still can’t make it through my day without a baby carrier. So glad to see you mention Babywearing 102 since I’ve found it along with my local babywearing group to be super helpful. I do think when we have a second though, I will add a K’tan or Moby to my stash since I won’t be able to wait for a second little to get big enough to use my ergo.
Rebecca you can get the infant insert for your ergo.
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LastAdelaida recently posted…LastAdelaida
Such a great list, thank you for sharing!
My husband and I found the rock n play to be indispensable. Our son slept in one for the better part of his first 6 months. Also drop in liner bottles if you formula feed (my breast milk never came in) you can have the water prepped in the bottles and just put premeasured formula in and mix it up and bottle is ready to go
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